The Fast Metabolism Diet
I thought I'd talk to you guys about my new diet. I started it this Monday and I already see results. This diet is one of the most interesting, and most hopeful I have ever seen. It's called the Fast Metabolism Diet by Haylie Pomroy and it's amazing. Now, there are of course a few hard parts to this diet, which I will talk about later, but the majority of this diet is so easy to follow. Especially is you love clean eating and cooking yourself.
First, I'll describe a little about this diet. It requires you to eat 5 times a day. This is wonderful. I don't feel hungry or starved like I did when trying lean cuisines or counting calories. I have to eat three healthy meals with two snacks in-between. But here's where this diet gets a little tricky: It has three phases. All three phases together equal one week and you repeat them for a total of four weeks. Each phase requires you to do something different like eat a ton of fruit or a ton of protein. Each phase has certain things that are allowed and certain things that are not allowed. I'm currently starting phase 2. Phase 2 is all about protein and veggies. Each meal I have should have high protein and veggies. All of my snacks are supposed to be packed with protein. The diet is designed to use what you eat to sculpt your body like they do in agricultural fields with animals. You eat certain things to create specific reactions in the body to start occurring. It's all science based and Pomroy is a well known nutritionist who has mapped out everything you need to do in her book. She makes it too easy to learn how to eat clean.
Now, the hard part. This diet is gluten free, dairy free, refined sugar free, and processed food free. This is so good for your body and I can already tell a difference in how I feel and look. My stomach isn't bloated like it usually is and I feel energized. I also have already lost 3 lbs in three days. Talk about amazing. But, no wheat, dairy or refined sugars is a little hard to get used to. Day one probably killed me. I didn't like it and I was ready to quit already because of my caffeine withdrawals and my cravings for dessert. The no wheat thing didn't really help either. I miss white bread and bagels and all those yummy gluten filled treats. We can only have sprouted wheat bread, which is like a really grainy, whole grain bread. That doesn't bother me too bad because I choose whole grain bread without the diet. But I do miss my white bread and pasta. Especially my Japanese sticky rice. But I must say the no dairy rule, which includes no cheese, is probably the worst part. I miss cheddar and parmesan cheese so much. I didn't realize how much I actually ate these things. But we're working around that and hopefully it'll all be worth it in the end.
Another tough part of to this diet is all the food prepping and grocery shopping. We have a hard time finding certain things that we need and everything has to be prepared in advance, especially for my parents because they have to carry it to work the next day. My mom and I have been up late the past three nights to be sure we have everything we need the next day. It's a lot of work but, I get to hangout with my mom more and learn how to cook some really delicious things. Food prepping it definitely not easy, but it's not that bad either.
This diet is supposed to reset your metabolism and unlock your fat burning potential. By properly nourishing and fueling your body, you create the ultimate fat burning potential. Pomroy says we, "confuse it to lose it." Basically, this means the three phases each have different effects which allow you to trick your body into burring your excess fat for you. I love how she explains all the reasoning behind what she says in her book and she makes it so simple to understand. Every time she tells you what to do or what not to do she backs it up with scientific evidence and a clear reason why.
I'm very excited to see where I am at the end of this diet. I hope that it works how it has been, and how Pomroy predicts it too. I will keep posting updates as time goes on, so feel free to follow along on my diet journey! ​​