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My 2017 Resolutions

New Year, new you right? Everyone starts to evaluate themselves after the parties are over and all the Christmas cookies are officially gone. The new year is always a hopeful time with the chance to start over or become something else. I've been thinking a lot about my new year's resolutions. What will they be? Where will they take me in 2017?

New year resolutions keep us focused. They help us to realize what we truly want and remind us that if we work a little harder we just might get it. 2017 is going to be a huge year for me. I'm about to go through a lot of major chances in the next 5 months. Graduation, marriage, and graduate school are all going to rock my world soon and I'm excited, but also a little nervous. I have a lot to prepare for and a lot to worry about.

So I've really been wondering exactly what I want out of 2017. What is it that I crave? What do I really want my life to look like in 12 months? I want my resolutions to mean something to me. I want them to impact my attitude and the way I think. I want them to change me.

Well, I finally figured out what my resolution for 2017 will be: Go for it.

In 2016, I did a lot of waiting around and a lot of wishing. I also let my anxiety hold me back. I'm sick and tired of hopelessly waiting for something good to happen or for better times to suddenly appear. This year I'm just going to go for it. I'm going to actively pursue my dreams. I'm going to put in the effort it takes to feel like I've lived to fullest.

What does this mean for my life in 2017? It means I'll make new friends because I wasn't afraid to start a conversation. I'll take the risk and apply for my dream job. I'll say yes to going out instead of sitting alone in my room. I'll speak up when I have something to say. I'll create what I've always wanted to create. I will just do life however I see fit. I won't be waiting for permission or approval and I won't fear the outcome anymore. I'll just go for it.

I know I don't want to make it to 2018 and still feel like I haven't truly lived. I am going to put myself first every now and then and make sure that I get what I want too. I'm going to take the risks and follow the moment because I'm ready for an adventure. I'm ready for a change. 2017 is the year that I just go for it all and take what I want from life.

I encourage you to all find your new year's resolutions and stick to them. If you're my friend I encourage you to keep me accountable in 2017. I'll do the same for you. If not, share your resolutions and share your goals with me! I'd love to hear from you. I can't wait to share with you all how going for it all changes my life over the next year. I hope you'll follow along with me and perhaps even subscribe to my blog today.

Happy New Year, Happy New You.

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